Rosie Wilson

Music Educator

Who is Rosie Wilson?

Originally from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Rosie Wilson studied Music Education and Music History at West Chester University of Pennsylvania's Wells School of Music. As a skilled clarinetist and newfound violist, Rosie constantly pushes herself to be a well rounded educator.


Brady Family Communications Scholarship

Gifted to students who exemplify diversity and inclusion in their field

2021 Outstanding Teacher Education Senior

One of forty education students at West Chester University recognized by faculty for teaching skills and leadership potential in the field of education.

Wells School of Music Commencement Speaker Finalist

One of five students chosen by faculty to interview for the prestigious opportunity to speak at the Spring 2021 West Chester University of Pennsylvania's Wells School of Music commencement ceremony

Wells School of Music Dean's List Recipient

Earned by students who achieve a GPA of 3.67 or better for the semester; Rosie achieved Dean's List four of eight semesters.